The sectors of distribution, logistics and events share a common point, that of companies whose workers are "on-the-go". These companies must communicate with teams on the field (in warehouses, on the road, on sites, etc.) and lack of solutions that suit their needs.ées
The discussions of the past few weeks confirm, more than ever, their need to organize and digitize the information flows linked to their business: administration, logistics, sales, human resources, etc. These “on-the-go” companies have explained us hox they face similar organizational challenges:
- How to allow teams on the field to have access to important information and files: procedures, user manuals, stocks, etc. ?
- How to facilitate the transmission of information between the teams on the field and the teams in the offices: timesheets, visit reports, tracking of anomalies and deliveries, roadmaps, equipment inventories, etc. ?
- How to ensure that the field teams communicate effectively with third parties such as customers or suppliers: after-sales service, sharing of product sheets or sales support, follow-up of complaints, etc. ?
- How to efficiently use the information and files related to your businesses: monitoring absences, insurance documents, contract management, monitoring supplier reports, monitoring timesheets?

Today, with the exception of companies that develop tailor-made in-house solutions, we are observing the limits of the solutions available to them:
- ERP-type management solutions involve a significant financial commitment, an investment of time and specific training and are then not very flexible to changing needs.
- Classic cloud solutions are not adapted to the needs of the field. Updating information in Excel tables, filing files, and searching information are complicated for workers who are not behind a computer. Indeed, complex hierarchies and strict classifications are difficult for field workers to respect.

This is why, for several months, several companies have chosen to solve a multitude of organizational problems with Plugnotes. Within a few hours, our team supports them to configure tailor-made solutions, without commitment or IT development, always using the same method.
Whether to follow up on timesheets, reports of sales visits, receipt of deliveries, stock anomalies or to share and exchange equipment manuals, product data sheets, presentations or business cards at conferences, companies of all sizes have found the solution to their challenges with Plugnotes. The simplicity of the method makes it possible to involve all levels of the organization in the process, which helps teams to join it easily and with motivation!
Your turn? Feel free to reach out to us to plan an audit without involvement! In a few minutes, we’ll show you practical case demos tailored to your business.